Why the World Needs Your Help
What will this world look like in 50 years?
As time goes on, so does the earth. Everyday more and more things advancements are happening, such as technology, investments, production, entertainment, and...the list could keep going. This all seems great and part of the dream, but with all of the hustle and bustle in every industry we are hurting the earth. We don't realize it, though, because it's just little things here and there. But, they add up so quickly. The rising company that just hired 50 new employees is amazing, but that's 50 additional cars hustling down the highway to a farther location and a new construction site for expansion. I'm not saying these things aren't amazing because they are essential to how we all grow. What I am trying to say is that if we are all doing these tiny things that they eventually hurt the Earth.
I'm just one person, How can I make that big of a difference?
You might feel like you're the only one that's wanting to make a difference, but believe me, there are hundreds of thousands of people making a stand and finding ways to live a less wasteful and more sustainable life. Our impact might feel small in comparison, but it is still a step forward and an improvement in the way we live. 'Why does this matter to me? I'll be gone by the time everything goes downhill,' is what I thought to myself while I was carrying 8 plastic bags from the grocery store. Then, it hit me. I might not be dead and gone before it gets bad here. The earth is so large and beautiful, but it is also so fragile and vulnerable. Realizing this made me reconsider how I can make better choices to help the planet. I came to the conclusion that I might just be one person that is trying to make the world a better place, but at least I know I'm doing something.
Where do I start? What are some ways to be environmentally-friendly?
There are a ton of tips and tricks fill the web by searching "tips to help the environment", "sustainable tips", "what are ways I can help the earth", and even "DIY reusable items." The possibilities are endless. There are some things that I didn't even know about! A few things for me that are cheap, easy, and realistic are: using a reusable water bottle, which cuts down on a ton of waste; don't use plastic when picking out veggies and fruit; bring your own bags to the grocery store (you might even get a discount because of it); recycle; carpool; ride your bike; walk if close enough; find energy saving devices,; adjust your thermostat to save energy; turn the lights off in the rooms you're not in; and use eco-friendly cleaning products with reusable rags instead of paper towels. Sounds overwhelming, but it shouldn't. These are just a few tips and ideas that I find helpful for myself. You can start with just ONE...that's right, one thing...that will help better this world. You will be doing everyone and yourself a favor. What are you waiting for? Now go turn off your bathroom light!.