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America Recycles Day!

Author: Maggie Burke

America Recycles day is November 15th. It started in Texas in 1994 as Texas recycles day, but it quickly spread to America Recycles day in 1997. The neat thing about recycling is that nobody can debate that it is beneficial. It is something that everyone can agree on. Celebrating a holiday like America Recycles Day is so important, and so is knowing how to recycle.

  • $760,000 is made in wages across the country for every 10,000 tons of materials recycled.

  • Over 681,000 jobs are provided by the recycling industry in America.

  • More than 15 million people participate in America Recycle's Day.

  • Follow instructions on recycling bins

  • No food, liquid, straws, plastic cups, or plastic dish ware

  • Go to places like Walmart and Lowes where they recycle plastic shopping bags

  • Find where you can get 5 cents back for bottles and cans and make a little cash $$

  • Recycle all clean paper and folded down cardboard boxes

  • Have a separate bin at home for recyclable items

My family was huge on recycling growing up. There was a recycling bin next to every garbage can in the house to make it convenient. Going to school at Oklahoma State University they have recycling bins around every corner.

Mark your calendars to celebrate on November 15th and spread awareness for recycling not only on that one day, but everyday.

You can celebrate by starting up an event for recycling or by even remembering to toss your water bottle in the green bin rather than the garbage bin. Every small step counts.


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